Tuesday, May 1, 2012

El Mirador, Semuc Champey, Lago Atitlan, Antigua, Guatemala - San Jose, Costa Rica

I'm now in San Jose, Costa Rica after chasing a motorcycle down here with the intention of buying it in Panama, just to have it sold with me one country away. Fortunately I found a retired Dutch pilot who wants to sell me his 2004 KLR650 for a good price, so I'm planning to do that. After arriving in San Jose I was offered a job as a substitute elementary school teacher for a day...two and a half weeks later I'm still teaching at the school, although this should be my last couple days at the position. I teach generally 2nd grade but have also had Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th graders; subjects include English (separately as both the language and the subject as we knew it growing up), Social Studies, Science, P.E., etc.

Anyway, here are some pictures that recount my stay in Guatemala and Costa Rica. They're mixed up and in no particular order. Some I've taken, many (maybe the majority) I've got from friends.